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The Miljöö Innovation Grant promotes sustainable development

Tarja Väyrynen, Quality and Environment Director at Oulun Energia, says that the Miljöö Innovation Grant is intended for a wide range of development projects, research, and ideas. They can promote, for example, carbon-neutral energy production, environmental responsibility, smart energy solutions, or the circular economy.

Awarding the grant is a way for Oulun Energia to support the development of the industry and participate in work for the climate. The progress of the projects receiving the grant will be regularly monitored.

Tarja Väyrynen says that even a small idea can grow into something that can benefit society regionally or even more broadly. The grant is intended to give a boost to projects.

“There are good projects that may face a lack of funding as their first obstacle,” says Väyrynen.

Applicants can include, for example, research institutes, companies, associations or educational institutions.

“It is important that it is clear from the application what impact the project is seeking to have,” Väyrynen emphasises.

She hopes that the applications will be to the point and descriptive. The applications are submitted Oulun Energia’s panel, which will present the proposed recipients to Oulun Energia’s management team. The panel consists of five members: two representatives from Oulun Energia, an expert representative, a representative for corporate customers, and a representative for consumer customers.

The grant was awarded for the following projects in 2022, among others

Project name

project theme

Data center waste heat recovery ecosystem


The potential role of Small Modular Reactors trigeneration: Oulu region case study


Assessment of snow and ice removal technologies from solar panels


Share & Save goods share service pilot project

service development

Environmental seminar 2023

environmental education

Aalto laavu lean-to outdoor classroom

environmental education

BioLiito 2.0 - from peat to forest




Miljöö Innovation Grant in a nutshell

  • Application period: 1 August to 30 September 2023.
  • The grant is open to applications nationwide.
  • Eligible parties include: researchers, teams, educational institutions, communities, and businesses.
  • Themes of the grant: smart energy solutions and technologies, carbon neutrality, circular economy and bio-based solutions, solutions that promote productivity and efficiency, smart mobility, new operating models and products, the carrying capacity and sustainability of the environment, and digitalisation and research.