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An employee of Oulun Energia is walking in a heating plant.
One of Oulun Energia employee is at a heating plant.

Origin of heat

Origin of heat and energy sources

The origin of the heat we sell varies somewhat from year to year. The origin is influenced, for example, by how well our own power plants have produced energy, the price of fuels, and general energy demand.

Our goal is to achieve full carbon neutrality by 2030 in all or part of the energy production we own. Check out our carbon neutrality path.

Origin 2020 2021 2022 2023
Toppila 50.4% 26.8% 35.1% 32,5 %
Biopower plant 16.2% 48.6% 44.1% 46,8 %
Ecopower plant 22.3% 17.6% 17.9% 17,1 %
Electric boiler       0,3 %
Heating centres 0.4% 1.1% 0.7% 0,8 %
Purchase 10.6% 5.9% 2.2% 2,5 %
Total GWh 2,133 2,488 2,318 2 278,1

In 2023, the energy sources of district heat and steam sold to our customers were divided as follows: 

Energy sources Own production Including purchased heat
Peat 20,7 % 19,8 %
Oils 1,7 % 1,6 %
Coal 0,0 % 0,0 %
Wood 65,8 % 67,2 %
Other biofuels 0,0 % 0,0 %
Waste fuels 11,5 % 11,0 %
Electricity 0,3 %

0,3 %

In 2023, 72.4% of the district heat sold to our customers was produced with renewable energy sources.

Specific annual CO2 emissions of district heating delivered to the customer:

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy method 217.8 g/kWh 190.2 g/kWh 144.0 g/kWh 111,1 g CO₂/kWh 91,3 g CO2/kWh
Energy method       112,9 g CO₂ (eq)/kWh 94,5 g CO2 (eq)/kWh
Benefit distribution method       78,7 g CO₂/kWh 67,3 g CO2/kWh
Benefit distribution method       80,0 g CO₂ (eq)/kWh 69,6 g CO2 (eq)/kWh