Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy
When you enter into an electricity contract with an electricity seller of your choice, you will also become a customer of an electricity network company in your area. Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy's electricity distribution area covers the city centre of Oulu, Kiiminki, Yli-Ii, and Jakkukylä in Ii.
Key Figures 2023
Our operations
We distribute electricity to over a hundred thousand customers every day – as our customer, you will enjoy our company for 365 days a year without noticing. We offer electricity network services to households, companies, and communities for both permanent and temporary needs. We will also help you choose electricity metering methods and products that suit your needs.
At the same time, we ensure that the distribution of electricity is reliable and efficient at all times. We maintain and repair the electricity network systematically, build new network sections and ensure that the distribution of electricity runs smoothly around the clock. We serve our area uncompromisingly and always give our best. Nevertheless, we have been able to keep our network service prices well below national averages.
Distribution network
Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy is responsible for electricity distribution in the city centre of Oulu, Kiiminki, Yli-Ii, and Jakkukylä in Ii. We maintain and repair the electricity network systematically, build new network sections and ensure that the distribution of electricity runs smoothly around the clock.
Oulunsalo, Kempele, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Tyrnävä, Utajärvi and Vaala's electricity networks are operated by Oulun Seudun Sähkö Verkkopalvelut Oy, Haukipudas's electricity network is operated by Haukiputaan Sähköosuuskunta, Ii’s electricity network is operated by Iin Energia Oy and Ylikiiminki’s electricity network is operated by Caruna Oy.
Verification of non-discrimination
The electricity network business is a legally regulated, licenced business in the form of a natural monopoly. The network operator shall treat all users of the electricity network in an equal and non-discriminatory manner.
In order to meet this requirement, Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy has created a non-discrimination verification programme. The programme defines the measures by which the network operator assesses non-discrimination in its operations and ensures that its personnel and external service providers do not engage in discriminatory behaviour.
The non-discrimination verification programme is valid indefinitely. The implementation of the programme is evaluated in an annual report.

Our experts
Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy's experts are ready to help you with any questions you may have. Contact us!
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