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An Oulun Energia employee stands in front of the Laanila electric boiler.
An Oulun Energia employee stands in front of an electric boiler in Laanila, Oulu.

The electrification of district heating

We use electric boilers to heat the district heating properties in Oulu more cleanly and improve our security of supply.

In simple terms, the operation of the electric boiler is based on heating water in the boiler, which produces steam and heat. The steam is directed to local industry needs and the heat to the district heating network to heat properties in Oulu. 

The benefits of the electric boiler can especially be seen during electricity price fluctuations. It is used when electricity is cheap, and its use is stopped when the price of electricity rises above a specified limit. A fully powered electric boiler can replace about ten truckloads of other fuel in one day. This also contributes to increased security of supply as fuels are stored for later use.

We commissioned the first 40-megawatt electric boiler in Laanila at the end of 2023. Read more about the electric boiler completed in Laanila.  

Our goal is to increase the power of the electric boiler by 60 megawatts in the next few years.