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Contact information for Oulun Energia

Our customer service is here for you! You can contact us by phone or online. You can always reach us via the energy account. Our office is closed for the time being, due to the exceptional situation, so please contact us online or by phone. On this page, you can find our contact information and invoicing address.

Contact information for Customer Service

Heating Services

  • Mon–Thu 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
  • Fri 9 a.m.–4 p.m.


call+358 8 5775 110

Electricity network services

  • Mon–Thu 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
  • Fri 9 a.m.–4 p.m.


call+358 8 477 000

Invoice advice and billing

  • Issues related to the payment period, payment of the invoice, and collection
  • Mon-Fri klo 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.


call09 4246 1342 (mpm/pvm)

District heating
call09 4246 1341 (mpm/pvm)

Street addresses

  • Head office, Solistinkatu 4, 90140 Oulu
  • Toppila power plant  and Turveruukki Oy, Tervahovintie 10, 90520 Oulu
  • Laanila ecopower plant, Typpitie 1, 90620
  • Laanila biopower plant, Typpitie 3, 90650
  • Merikoski power plant, Koskitie 30, 90500 Oulu

Syklo Group

  • Waste sorting plant, Ruskonseläntie 21, 90620 Oulu
  • Hyvinkää Circular Economy Hub, Kerkkolankatu 40, 05800 Hyvinkää

Postal address

  • PO Box 116, 90101 Oulu

Personnel's e-mail addresses are in form firstname.lastname@oulunenergia.fi

Electronic contact: Energy Account


For other matters, you can contact our info:

call+358 8 55 843 300



Invoicing addresses

Below, you will find our company-specific invoicing addresses. We primarily prefer e-invoices. Invoices must always be marked with reference information provided by the customer, such as the cost location and the name of the invoice reviewer. The Group's purchase invoices and purchase ledger are handled by Monetra Oy. Please send inquiries related to purchase invoices directly to the e-mail address of the purchase ledger  energia.ostoreskontra@monetra.fi.

Oulun Energia

  • Business ID: 09893765
  • Invoicing address: P.O. Box 8127, 02066 DOCUSCAN
  • E-invoicing address (EDI ID): 003709893765
  • E-invoicing operator: Ropo Capital Oy, broker ID: 003714377140

Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy

  • Business ID: 20800021
  • Invoicing address: P.O. Box 8128, 02066 DOCUSCAN
  • E-invoicing address (EDI ID): 0037208000215036
  • E-invoicing operator: Ropo Capital Oy, broker ID: 003714377140

Syklo Oy

  • Syklo Oy, Business ID: 32751589
  • Invoicing address: PL 8453, 02066 DOCUSCAN
  • E-invoicing address (OVT-tunnus): 003732751589
  • E-invoicing operator: Ropo Capital Oy, broker ID: 003714377140
  • Bank account details: FI57 5741 4020 1450 61, BIC: OKOYFIHH

Turveruukki Oy

  • Business ID: 02103070
  • Invoicing address: P.O. Box 8051, 02066 DOCUSCAN
  • E-invoicing address (EDI ID): 003702103070
  • E-invoicing operator: Ropo Capital Oy, broker ID: 003714377140 


On-call traffic light control service:

The operator of the traffic lights is NRC Group Finland Oy.
The traffic light operator can be reached on 040 186 7128 and by email at liva.oulu@nrcgroup.fi