Oulun Energia logo

The O symbol of Oulu Energia's logo, where the letter O is broken in the upper right corner.

Scams using the name of Oulun Energia

29.12.2021 / Last updated 28.01.2022 14:40

In recent days, there have been scams using the name of Oulun Energia, in which participants in the Qstock raffle organised on Facebook have been contacted and invited to fill in a form asking for the person's bank credentials, among other things. This is a phishing scam.

In the scam, the person receives a friend request and a message on Facebook, which prompts them to fill in the information via the link provided with the message. The original raffle posting has also been copied to a fake profile, and a "registration link" has been added to it, which is another attempt at phishing.

Oulun Energia will never ask for bank or credit card information in connection with the raffle or in marketing communications. Bank credentials should not be given unless there is complete certainty as to their intended use.

Once the raffle is completed, Oulun Energia will personally notify the winner of their result and the delivery of the prize. We do not require the winner to register on a separate site or to disclose sensitive information.

If you have received a scam message, we recommend you report it on Facebook.

If you have fallen victim to a scam, you can report the crime to the police at https://poliisi.fi/tee-rikosilmoitus.