Contact our heating services
Our customer service is here for you! You can contact us by phone or online.
Contact information
Switchboard: call+358 8 558 43300
Street address: Solistinkatu 4, 90140 Oulu
Postal address: PL 116, 90101 Oulu
Contact our customer service
Our customer service will help you with any questions you may have about heating and invoicing, from Monday to Thursday between 8 am and 4 pm, and between 9 am and 4 pm on Fridays.
call+358 8 577 5110
Technical advice for heating services
District heating connections
Risto Haapalainen
call044 7033424
Minna Pesonen
call050 4174325
Deployment and final inspections of district heating and heating plans
Report outages to our 24-hour on-call number for heating services

Contact our experts
Here you can find the contact information of our experts. We will help you with any questions you may have about heating services. Contact us and we will continue our discussion!
Our experts' contact detailsInvoicing
We want to make paying your district heating bill as easy and flexible as possible. We have put together this information pack to help make it as easy as possible for you to pay your bill.