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A girl is sitting in a car and looking to the sea. The car's window is open and the girl is leaning outside of it.
Blond girl is sitting in a car with an open window. The girl is looking to the sea.

Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy will replace its customers’ electricity meters

Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy will replace its customers’ electricity meters with smart meters. Due to the staggering number of meters to be replaced – over 100,000 – the project is set be completed in stages between 2023 and 2028.

The next-generation smart meters will give our customers more detailed information about their electricity consumption. In the future, electricity consumption and production will be monitored in 15-minute blocks instead of the current 60-minute blocks, and data will be made available to customers faster. The new smart meters will benefit both the energy network operator and the customers. The smart meter meets all the requirements of the new Government decree on the metering of electricity supply. It has robust features for electricity quality monitoring, and it can be connected to a home automation system. With the introduction of the smart meter, we will replace our data transfer system with reliable and cost-effective mobile IoT technology. Switching to a smart meter will be free of charge to our customers.

Smart meter means easier electricity monitoring

As a customer, switching to a smart meter means that you can monitor your electricity consumption conveniently and accurately through the Datahub Customer Portal and Oulu Energia’s updated mobile application, which you can get from your device’s app store.

The system will provide us with better information about the status of the electricity network, which in turn means better customer experience. As a result, our customers will benefit from faster response times to outages and other disruptions. 




Introducing the range of next-generation smart meters. The meter in the middle is the smart meter to be installed in most households. The meter on the left is intended for customers with a fuse size of 63 A, or in most cases commercial property and industrial companies. The smart meter on the right is intended for properties with a main fuse size of 1 x 25-35 A, or primarily old multi-storey buildings.

How will the meters be replaced in practice?

The first batch of smart meters will be installed in autumn 2023. Our aim is to replace roughly 6000 meters by the end of the year. The last batch of meters will be replaced at the latest in 2028. Smart meters will be installed in all new build properties.

Oulun Energian Sähköverkko Oy has commissioned Eltel Networks to install the smart meters. Eltel’s technicians who install the smart meters carry a Valtti card bearing the technician’s photo and the company name and VAT ID with them. The technicians drive vans marked with the Eltel logo and the logo of Oulun Energian Sähköverkko Oy.

Eltel will also contact our customers closer to the time when the smart meter is to be installed to provide more information about the process of replacing the meter and the short outages the switch will cause.

The meters will be replaced one area at a time and Elter will notify customers about the switch well in advance.

To learn more, check out the frequently asked questions and answers about smart meters and switching to a smart meter below.

Smart meters and switching to a smart meter – FAQ