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Electricity measurement

Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy is responsible for metering its customers’ energy consumption and production within its network area. At the moment, energy consumption and production are metered by means of hourly metering and remote recording of metered data. Hourly metering means monitoring electricity consumption in 60-minute blocks.

Starting in the autumn of 2023, hourly metering will be phased out in Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy’s electricity network area and gradually replaced by quarter-hourly metering, whereby electricity consumption is split into 15-minute blocks and the metered data are recorded remotely. The energy network operator will provide the metering equipment (including connections for data transfer), submit metered data to the data hub and send reports to customers.

Girl is sitting in a car with an open window and looking to the sea.

Electricity meters are being replaced with smart meters

Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy will replace its customers’ electricity meters with smart meters. The next-generation smart meters will give our customers more detailed information about their electricity consumption. 

Animated globe, from which rays of light emanate.

Updating the night load management

Oulun Energia Sähköverkko Oy offers customers of its Time-of-Use product the optional possibility of updating their night load management. The new service will be particularly beneficial to customers with an electricity exchange contract using storage heating who want to move their consumption to the cheaper hours of the night.

Read more about the night load management
Datahub, a centralised information exchange system.

Datahub accelerates the flow of information and improves customer service

Datahub is a centralized data exchange system for the retail electricity market. The aim of the centralized data exchange system is to clarify and streamline processes and improve customer service.

Read more about Datahub
 Electricity meters in a row.

Instructions for the use of remotely readable electricity meters

Instructions for use of remotely readable electric electricity meters can be found in our instruction bank.

See instructions for use