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Girl and her grandparents are looking at a leaf that fell from a tree.
Girl and her grandparents are looking at a leaf that fell from a tree in a forest.

Vote for the 2024 Onni responsibility recipient!

As an Onni customer, you can influence the recipient of the donation that is part of the Onni responsibility budget. The responsibility budget is directed at improving the state of the environment and promoting regional well-being.

This year, you can vote for one of the three pre-selected responsibility recipients, which are: 1. Improving bird nesting prospects in Oulu, 2. Implementation of an urban pollinator meadow in urban areas, 3. Organising a free children’s culture day at cinema Elokuvateatteri Star.

Learn more about the recipients to be voted on below. The voting form can be found at the bottom of this page.

1. Improving bird nesting prospects in Oulu

“Birds have a shortage of suitable holes for nesting, but this shortage can be mitigated by setting up nest boxes. Onni customers can help to create homes for our winged friends.”

What will the donation go toward?

Trees located in the city of Oulu will be fitted with numerous nest boxes that are suitable for different bird species. The aim of the project is to have established nesting in each installed nest box. The estimated number of chicks is approximately 5 per nest box. We will follow the nesting on Oulun Energia’s channels whenever possible.

Why is the donation important?

There has long been a serious shortage of nest hole trees in Finnish forests, which many birds need for nesting. Without suitable nest boxes or holes, reproduction is difficult, especially for larger birds.

When forests are dominated by aggressive forestry, old decaying trees are scarce, which makes it difficult to build nests. Many hole nesters are already nesting in residential areas because there are not enough nest hole trees in the forests. For example, the population of pied flycatchers and great tits in residential areas is about ten times higher than in forests.

Large hole trees, in which owls, goldeneyes, and goosanders could nest, for example, are rare. Woodpeckers would naturally make hole trees, but young commercial forests do not have time to grow trees that are big enough for woodpeckers to make their nests in. Hole trees made by woodpeckers are quickly removed during felling, so the other birds do not have time to utilise them. This also affects the number of other hole nesters.

In the assessment of threatened species, even the willow tit and the crested tit are classified as threatened bird species. The starling also suffers from a lack of nest holes, even though the main reason for the decline in its population is decreasing pastureland.

When can this be implemented?

Mounting will begin in April 2024. The nest boxes can be mounted on trees regardless of the season.


2. Implementation of an urban pollinator meadow in urban areas

“The number of pollinators, which are vital to us, has fallen dramatically due to human activities. Onni customers can help to create suitable areas for our pollinators in our immediate surroundings.”

What will the donation go toward?

A permanent pollinator meadow within the city of Oulu. This includes the removal of the soil in the old area and sowing meadow plants. The meadow will develop over the years, but may also require upkeep. We will follow the development of the meadow on Oulun Energia’s channels whenever possible.

Why is the donation important?

Pollinators are key contributors to biodiversity. Their decline can lead to an imbalance in ecosystems.

In recent years, there have been reports of a global decline in pollinators, which has raised concerns about conserving biodiversity. Pollinators comprise about 200,000 species around the world. For example, birds, butterflies, flies, beetles, and small mammals are pollinators.

Every seed plant needs pollination to reproduce, either with the help of wind or insects. Most flowering plants, about 90 percent, are pollinated by insects and need pollinators’ help to reproduce.

Single-use land use and the reduction of traditional rural biotopes threaten, for example, pollinators. Pollinators are threatened and monitoring their situation and protecting them is important work. The situation is challenging especially in Finland, as honeybee pollination alone is not enough to guarantee the cultivation of insect-pollinated plants. In Finland, farmers also have to turn to foreign bumblebees to ensure pollination.

Challenges facing pollinators include health problems of farmed bees, loss of biodiversity, and the intensity of farming. The protection of pollinators is important for ecosystems and food production.

When can this be implemented?

Implementation will be in spring 2024.


3. Organising a free children’s culture day at cinema Elokuvateatteri Star

“Exposing children to culture promotes creativity, self-expression, and sense of community. It also prevents inequality and enables children to develop in diverse ways.”

What will the donation go toward?

Reserving cinema Elokuvateatteri Star for a day for free children’s showings, as well as popcorn and soda for the participants.

Why is the donation important?

Each child and teenager is entitled to experience art and culture, and high-quality children’s culture is an important factor in preventing marginalisation. It strengthens social interaction skills and reduces loneliness. It is important for children and teenagers to feel accepted and appreciated and to express themselves through art.

Children’s culture promotes well-being by providing safe environments for experiences and activities. It provides opportunities to face different perspectives and find your own strengths. In addition, it has a positive effect on, for example, literacy and numeracy skills, problem-solving skills, group work skills, and managing emotions.

All children and teenagers must have the opportunity to participate in cultural activities regardless of their own limitations, native language, or financial situation. Recognising diversity and promoting accessibility are important steps for the equality of children’s culture.

When can this be implemented?

Implementation will be in spring 2024.


Cast your vote for the 2024 Onni responsibility recipient

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